Jubei-chan: The Ninja Girl (十兵衛ちゃん Jūbei-chan ) is a Japanese anime action comedy television series created by Akitaro Daichi (Fruits Basket, Tsukikage Ran). Jubei-chan follows Jiyu Nanohana, a modern highschool girl and unwilling heir to the Yagyu Jubei school of swordsmanship. The series is recognized for its magical girl stylings, including a mystical artifact, the Lovely Eyepatch, that serves as the source of the heroine's power.
Jubei-chan comprises two television series. The Secret of the Lovely Eyepatch premiered April 5, 1999 and revolves around Jiyu Nanohana coping with her newly entrusted powers and responsibilities and the centuries old feud between the Yagyu and Ryujoji schools. The Counter Attack of Siberia Yagyu premiered January 7, 2004. The second series introduces Freesia Yagyu, daughter of Yagui Jubei and self-proclaimed heir to the Lovely Eyepatch. The Counter Attack of Siberian Yagyu focuses on Jiyu and Freesia's developing friendship and subsequent rivalry.
The series was broadcast worldwide through Animax. The Secret of the Lovely Eyepatch is licensed in North America by Bandai Entertainment. The rights to The Counter Attack of Siberian Yagyu are held by Geneon Entertainment.
Secret of the Lovely Eyepatch
See also: List of Jubei-chan episodes
The main conflict in The Secret of the Lovely Eyepatch (ラブリー眼帯の秘密〜 Raburii Gantai no Himitsu )
is between the Yagyu Jubei and Ryujoji schools. The rivalry was
seemingly ended 300 years before the events of the series, when Yagyu
Jubei defeated the Ryujoji school champion. Dying from his wounds, Jubei
told his loyal companion Koinosuke to find someone with "plump, bouncy bon bons"
and give her his eyepatch that contained a lifetime's worth of sword
techniques. Unknowingly to Koinosuke, the Ryujoji clan plots their
revenge.After 300 years of searching, Koinosuke finds Jiyu Nanohana in modern Japan. Her figure makes her the ideal candidate to be the next Jubei. He approaches her and tries to give her the eyepatch but she steadfastly refuses. Only when they are attacked by a Ryujoji swordsman does she don the eyepatch and dispose of him. They eventually find out that the Ryujoji clan believes it will be vindicated once the reincarnation of Jubei is defeated.
The introductory episodes follow the "Monster of the Week" formula, in this case, her teachers and peers constantly challenging her. Later episodes delve into Sai's pain of losing Jiyu's mother, the sacrifice that Jiyu has to make in order to live a double-life as Jubei, and the Ryujoji Family Curse.
Counter Attack of Siberia Yagyu
See also: List of Jubei-chan 2 episodes
Like the previous series, the plot of The Counter Attack of Siberian Yagyu (シベリア柳生の逆襲 Siberia Yagyuu no Gyakushuu ) begins in Yagyu Jubei's lifetime. The Northern Yagyu were driven out of Japan into Siberia by the Edo
Yagyu. After living several years in Siberia, they changed their name
to the Siberian Yagyu. The leader of the Edo Yagyu sent Jubei Yagyu to
assassinate Kita Ressai, the head of the Siberian clan. Jubei did not
wish to carry out the order, but traveled to Siberia anyway. During his
time there, he fell in love and had a daughter named Freesia. Some time
later he caught up with Kita Ressai, the leader he had been sent to
assassinate. Over Jubei's objections, Kita Ressai provoked a duel
between the two while on a frozen body of water. In the heat of the
battle, Kita Ressai broke through the ice, drowning Jubei Yagyu's wife
and daughter along with him. Freesia remained frozen in a glacier for
300 years, until global warming caused enough of the glacier to melt to
free her.Freesia then learns of the Lovely Eyepatch that her father left to his successor. Freesia is furious when she learns that the Lovely Eyepatch was not left to her, but rather Jiyu Nanohana. Determined to claim the Lovely Eyepatch as the daughter of Jubei Yagyu, she tracks down Jiyu Nanohana, intent on defeating Jiyu and making her suffer. At the same time, the Siberian Yagyu learn of the appearance of Jubei Yagyu the Second and track down Jiyu Nanohana in an attempt to satisfy their 300-year-old grudge against Jubei Yagyu.
What ensues is a three way battle between the Siberian Yagyu, Freesia Yagyu and Yagyu Jubei's successor, Jiyu Nanohana. A major theme of the series is power and how differently people react to it. Jiyu does not want the responsibility and she's afraid to lose herself for power while Freesia does not understand anyone who is not willing to have more power.
Main article: List of Jubei-chan characters
- Jiyu Nanohana (菜ノ花 自由 Nanohana Jiyū )
The Counter Attack of Siberian Yagyu catches up with her a year later. Even though Jiyu has tried to forget the events of the first series, she still feels guilty over what happened to Koinosuke.
Voiced by: Hiroko Konishi in Series 1, Voiced by: Yui Horie in Series 2, Voiced by: Melanie Risdon (English)
- Sai Nanohana (菜ノ花 彩 Nanohana Sai )
At the time of The Counter Attack of Siberian Yagyu, he is trying to write a novel under his own name at his daughter's request.
Voiced by: Keiji Fujiwara (Japanese), Byron Close (English)
- Koinosuke Odago (小田豪 鯉之介 Odagō Koinosuke )
Voiced by: Ryotaro Okiayu (Japanese), Stephen Holgate (English)
- Freesia Yagyu (柳生フリーシャ Yagyū Furēshā )
Voiced by: Erina Nakayama (Japanese), Carol-Anne Day (English)
- Ayunosuke Odago (小田豪 鮎之介 Odagō Ayunosuke )
Voiced by: Ayaka Saito (Japanese), Jasmine Berg (English)
External links
- The Secret of the Lovely Eyepatch
- Jubei-chan: The Ninja Girl (anime) at Anime News Network's Encyclopedia
- Jubei-chan: The Ninja Girl at the Internet Movie Database
- Jubei-chan: The Ninja Girl at TV.com
- The Counter Attack of Siberia Yagyu
- Jubei-Chan 2 Official website (Japanese)
- Geneon Entertainment's Jubei-Chan 2 English Website
- Jubei-chan: The Ninja Girl (anime) at Anime News Network's Encyclopedia
- Jubei-chan: The Ninja Girl at TV.com
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